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Our broad knowledge about hydraulics and electronic control systems has not gone unnoticed by a diversity of industries. This has led to several fine projects, in which we designed and manufactured a diversity of hydraulic systems.

Overhaul two presses

Hydraulic press for wooden frames

Hydraulic press for wooden frames.

About the Client

The client is a manufacturer of wooden frames, pallets and other wooden constructions, located in Netherlands.

Business problem

The client built wooden frames by hand. Workers pressed...

Overhaul Extrusion press

In collaboration with MIFA, and other sub-suppliers, UniteQ carried out a retrofit of MIFA’s 1,500 ton extrusion press, in the first half of 2019. UniteQ has been responsible for the hydraulic adjustments, preparing the machine for a...

Overhaul & upgrade Bipel presses

Overhaul and upgrade of two Bipel press combinations, consisting of three 50 ton presses.

About the Client

The client is a major seal manufacturer for the automotive industry located in the Netherlands.

Business problem

Both presses had...

Overhaul Sulzer GT10 SKID

Sulzer Turbo Service commissioned UniteQ to overhaul a GT10 SKID.

The complete overhaul, including disassembly of the SKID, ultrasonic cleaning of all manifolds, valves and filters, checking/testing of all components...

Conversion hydraulic presses to CE-standard

Conversion of two American hydraulic presses to the European standard

About the Client

The client is a major industrial consultancy company located in the Netherlands. The end client is a global leader in the chemical industry...

Upgrade Fjellman press

In 2015 UniteQ overhauled and upgraded a complete hydraulic press from the manufacturer Fjellman. The Fjellman press is designed for pressing materials between two mold parts and is used by the company Huntsman for the investigation...

Overhaul hydraulic grab

UniteQ has experience with the overhaul of hydraulic grabs. What began with the revision of individual components such as cylinders and the rotator, has passed into the complete overhaul of the grab.

The complete grab...

Mobile hydraulic test power unit

The mobile UniteQ hydraulic test power unit is designed to simplify testing of hydraulic actuators, the most hydraulic actuators need a high hydraulic pressure to function, and therefore also need to be tested at high pressures. For...

Hydraulic lab press used for pressing test plates of Trespa

Commissioned by Trespa, UniteQ designed and produced a hydraulic lab press. The lab press is used for pressing test plates of Trespa. It is based on an already existing model which was used by Traspa until recently. UniteQ...

Overhaul Siemens lubrication and control oil systems

Overhaul of the hydraulic control and lubrication system of two Siemens gas turbines.

About the Client
The client is a global leader in fluid engineering. Their location in the Netherlands specialises in customized solutions for...

Hydraulics for forest path equalizer

Commissioned by Wullems UniteQ developed the hydraulic system of a machine that is used to level forest paths. In 2012 the first prototype was developed.

Now a days we deliver parts of this machine like manifolds and cylinders on...

Hydraulic contruction flight simulator

For the company CAE, UniteQ assembled the hydraulics from flight simulators. Activities such as assembly of piping and hoses were performed on location.

Overhaul hydraulic pontoon

For the Grensmaas company, UniteQ overhauled a pontoon with four hydraulic winches.

This pontoon has been transported to our plant, were it was disassembled, sand blasted, rebuild and conserved. After reassembly a FAT test was...