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Hydraulic presses (upgrade & overhaul)

Mechanically a hydraulic press is a sustainable system which will be functional for decades. However, the state of the art techniques often overtake the existing hydraulic an electronic control systems, leading to an outdated production process that can no longer cope with the high market demands. That is why more and more often, the choice is made to overhaul and upgrade the hydraulic press and possible peripherals.

UniteQ has to knowledge to develop new hydraulic and electronic control systems, which can be mounted on the existing (refurbished) press. In addition we are always willing to unburden our customer by taking over the responsibility for the project management.

The safety of the system is of very high importance. By conducting an FMEDA analysis we map all possible risks and the necessary counter measures. The hydraulic presses will be developed after the European standard, NEN-EN 693, “Machine tools Safety Hydraulic presses”.

Due to the diversity of applications in different branches, we welcome the opportunity to discuss the possibilities we have to offer. For more information, please feel free to contact us at

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Cees Gootjes BSc
Head Engineering Department
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